Thursday, November 25, 2010

Top Ten Reasons Your Relationship Might Fail

So after a long Thanksgiving day (and because I am not the one to wake up at 4am for the whole black friday madness) I did a little research on relationship failures. Upon stumbling onto the website I found an interesting (psychological and physical) take on 10 Reasons Relationships Fail and How to Succeed, so here is the article, put into my words. However if you want the legit article just click the "10 Reasons..." link above.

Number 1: Loss of Feelings -- when you first meet someone you're attracted to it hits you like a freight train. You get that blast of testosterone and estrogen which causes that "I definitely want to get to know you better" vibe. Then the body sends out dopamine, serotonin and adrenaline. For those of you who never took advanced psychology and physiology in high school...
Dopamine: acts on the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and can speed up your heart rate and blood pressure. Basically it works on that reward feeling you get whenever you ace a test, or get a raise, and makes you feel proud.
Serotonin: regulates your mood, appetite and sleep. If you receive the correct amount (avoid drugs) you feel self-confidence and a sense of security.
Adrenaline: we pretty much are all familiar with the heart pumping, mood elevating feeling adrenaline presents us with.

Number 2: Communication Deficiency --  Bet you didn't know 55% of all communication is done through the body - body language. Be careful, that crossed arm sitting on the couch action might just be you chilling but could the man be thinking you're snubbing him off. yikes. Then you Tone, Speed, and Volume account for 35% of communication; such as, a pause before answering a question. Then the last 10% is the literal words coming from you mouth! (Personally I would put the reliance on texting a significant other in this category. That is mine and my boyfriends' BIGGEST issue).

Number 3: Money Problems -- It's hard to put this in personal thoughts and words because I don't really have any words of my own. Basically, the money itself isn't the issue; it's the attachment and feelings one has with money and if money creates a power struggle or a new reason to compromise.

Number 4: No Quality Time -- This is where technology and texting come into play. So much time is spent through social networking and sms messaging that hardly any time is spent face to face! A lot of couples complain that the other is constantly online or answering phone calls.

Number 5: Sex -- Not enough. Too much. Cheating. Even the internet (pornography). 50%+ couples say that they struggle with sex related issues and 15% relate to a sexless relationship.

Number 6: Marriage at a Young Age -- If you are a women and you get married before the age of 25, I bet you weren't aware that you are twice as likely to have your marriage end in a divorce (God forbid). This next statement is reasonable though: After the age of 25 it is said that you have a better understanding of yourself and your goals for life. You also have better communication skills, and most likely, a better financial situation (say goodbye to numbers 2&3).

Number 7: Loss of Respect and Admiration -- This one seems to me like it belongs in correlation with number 1 but when couples stop admiring each other and lose respect, name-calling and spiteful words tend to release themselves and that's no way to build love and trust.

Number 8: Opposites Attract... but they're still Opposites -- Differences in values and lifestyles can quickly cause defensiveness and anger. Outgoing types might feel constricted by self-controlled personas. Shy, meager persons may find friendly, talkative types annoying and lacking self control. So we need to look deeper and find out what really makes us compatible with our partners instead of what makes us different.

Number 9: Family -- Maybe you have kids. Maybe you have crazy in-laws. Maybe you have an ex-husband. Whether you have any of these you have got to look at your relationship and you and the other: A couple.

Number 10: Substance and Alcohol Abuse -- Liquor, Narcotics, Illegal Substances: They all lead to issues at one point or another. No one wants to be out-loved by a substance. No one wants the love of their life to wake up and, instead of a kiss, go for a swig of the bottle. If this is a problem, I seriously and strongly recommend getting you or your partner help. You have you have your whole heart and mind into a relationship.

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